Wylex isolator switch

This isn't a fusebox, however the internals are identical to the switch found on the Wylex Standard type boxes. This would be used where a separate fusebox was installed which did not contain it's own isolator switch.

Front view

Wylex isolator switch This shows the complete switch. The double insulated PVC wires at the bottom are the supply, and the rubber/cotton insulated mess at the top is the feed to a separate fusebox.

The wire at the top right is exactly as found when this switch was in use - a substantial amount of bare wire showing, which was a serious shock hazard. This damage has occured because the terminal is damaged, which led to overheating. This caused the rubber insulation to dry out and crumble to dust.

Cover removed

Inside of a Wylex 30a isolator switch The inner terminals are visible here. The top right terminal has detached from the plastic base, and this has resulted in overheating.

The switch mechanism is identical to that used in most of the older Wylex fuseboxes, examples of which can be seen elsewhere on this website.

Back view

Back view of a Wylex 30a isolator switch The back, which shows the rating (30 amps) and other information. While positioning this item to take the photograph, the loose terminal broke away from the base, which is why there is a hole at the top left. Overheating had caused the plastic to become brittle.

The other text is 'Wylex Patents' 'For A. C. Only', 'Non Track', 'M136/5' and 'Made in England'.

This isolator supplied an ancient fusebox containing 3x15A circuits, all of which had evidence of being overloaded.

