Electrician services provided by John Ward, Flameport Electrical.
Covering Dorset, UK, which is most of the BH and DT postcode areas including Poole, Bournemouth, Christchurch, Blandford Forum and Dorchester.
Telephone 01202 798 465.
Generally answered where possible during working hours as below. If I am out of the office, calls are automatically routed to a mobile at no extra cost to you.
The old electrical items shown on this website are NOT for sale. They are all old, obsolete and haven't been available for decades.
Phone will probably not be answered if I am driving, working in a confined space, using power tools or anywhere else where it isn't safe or legal to do so. In such cases please leave a message with your number so I can call you back.
Email office@flameport.com
Emails are answered during working hours as below. If you email outside of those hours, replies will not be sent until the next working day.
Normally 9am - 6pm Monday - Friday
10am - 3pm Saturday.
Closed Sunday.
Usually also closed on other days such as UK Bank Holidays, Christmas Day and similar.
John Ward Social Media Accounts Listing
Listing of social media accounts currently used by John Ward, Flameport Electrical, Dorset, UK.
Registered office and other legally required information available here and also linked at the bottom of every page on this website.