Electrician Prices - Flameport Electrical

Prices of services provided by John Ward, Flameport Electrical.
Covering Dorset, UK and surrounding areas.

Fixed Price Services

These items are fixed price, subject to certain criteria.

Time based rates for smaller works

These apply for works of smaller size, and faultfinding or investigation work.

Per hour

Callout fee, which covers the first hour or part hour: £75.00
Subsequent hours: £55.00

Per Day

£350.00 per day

Minimum Charge

In some instances the minimum charge of £45.00 may be applied.
This would typically be for a very minor repair which takes less than 20 minutes and is at a location nearby or can be done while on the way to some other place.
Examples include replacement of a lamp/light bulb, rewiring a 13A plug or replacing a fuse.

Quotations for larger projects

Written quotes are available for both smaller and larger works, which includes those that require parts & materials, take several days, or those which may be done intermittently over a period of weeks/months.
Quotes are provided at no charge.

However please note that a quote is just that - done using a pen and notepad only.
Quotations do NOT include the use of any tools or test equipment, and quotations are NOT faultfinding.

Please contact me for a quote.

Prices updated 14 January 2024 and include VAT.

