Assembling and testing wooden table lamps

Several table lamps are fitted with new lampholders and rewired.

Part 1

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This video covers the assembly of four table lamps. The bases are old wooden ones, which have already been sanded and refinished prior to this video.

New chromed switched bayonet lampholders are fitted, and the various components are shown.

Black PVC 3 core flex and a new 3A fused plug are also fitted.

Part 2

View this video on Youtube.


This video shows the testing procedures for the table lamps assembled in Part 1.

Two main tests are done - the first of which to ensure the earth pin of the plug is electrically connected to exposed metal parts - the metal lampholder in this case.

The second test applies a high voltage between the L&N conductors and the earth connection, this confirms that the insulation is in good condition and no stray wires or other faults were introduced during assembly.

Two options

Two different ways of testing are shown - first with a multifunction tester, and then with a dedicated appliance testing machine.

The main difference is that the dedicated machine can pass a far greater current during the continuity test, this one uses approximately 25 amps. The mutifunction tester only applies about 200mA, which may not detect a loose or poor connection.

Multifunction used is a Fluke 1653. The dedicated test machine is a Clare A255 Series 2.
Both of these are older, obsolete models however more recent similar devices are available.

